Thursday, October 14, 2010

Polaroid Hair Styling Experience

As a hair stylist you know a hair styling can be transforming and magical. The right hair style can make a large nose look smaller and a round face appear slimmer. And like magic make some people look older or even years younger and pounds slimmer. Often all it takes is few "quick snips and some styling tricks" to unlock its style potential and natural beauty. Everyone is unique and so is their hair. And everyone can wear their hair long, mid length or short, full or close and one of those lengths and shapes will suit them best. I first look for what makes each "person and their hair unique" and design a style to enhance its natural beauty. Because hair grows quickly and has a life-like quality I've found it takes me "three visits in a row" (for adjustments) to fully develop a style. One that holds its shape as it grows, is balanced from all points of view and for the most part...styles itself.

Because a new hair style or hair color happens quickly (snip, snip, snip), for most people (including me) it’s hard to remember what their hair looked like just minutes ago. To truly appreciate the improvements a new color or style has made in their over all appearance, I take before and after snap shots from all points of view (front, profile and back) with the new Polaroid Digital Camera. It prints out wallet size pictures on the spot and you select only the pictures you want to print. To capture the best examples, I take lots of pictures before, during and after and print the best before and after pictures.

If a picture is a thousand words than a Polaroid snap shot speaks volumes and the pictures are theirs to keep. This extra step has helped me show people the improvements a style or color has made and makes their visit a fun and memorable hair styling experience. And because the Polaroid is also a digital camera you can take as many snap shots as you like (print the best) and store the images on our salon computer for future references.


You can also use the digital camera on your phone and flip through the picture when you finished. After you can send the pictures via email and make every new clients salon visits a memorable….. Hair Styling Experience!