Thursday, February 14, 2013

Hair Restoration / Gone Today Back Tomorrow

As a hair stylist with a hair styling studio located in the heart of the entertainment industry I’ve seen many actors opted for hair restoration procedures in order to create a youthful look and the illusion that time has simply stood still.

The continuing demands on celebrities to keep their youthful good looks, seems to be of great interest to the tabloids. Perhaps the most famous hair transplant recipient is Sir Elton John. With years of wearing toupees and hats he became fed-up and under went a series of replacement procedures. After appearing on stage with a full head of hair and new hairline the tabloids read; “Tonsorial Wizard Grows Hair on Rocket Man”.
Jokes about hair loss are as old as dirt, but not as old as rocks. Two comedians, Tom Arnold and Dennis Miller are the first to tell you they’ve had this done and I’m sure you’ll agree that both look much younger with thicker hair and youthful looking hairline.
Hair restoration is not just reserved for film and television stars. Politicians, fashion designers, musicians, business executives and man from all walks of life now recognize the importance of hair and how it affects their image. Hair loss is a state of mind, “if you don’t mind _ it doesn’t matter”. However, with today’s technological advancements and affordability it's now possible to do something about hair loss. And because it permanent it can make you feel good about how you look for years to come.
Having had a hair restoration procedure myself by Dr. Robert Elliott, a pioneer in hair replacement here in Hollywood, I can tell you first hand that it’s painless, lasts a life time and has been well worth the expense. Hair restoration is a simple out patent procedure that involves hair follicles being taken from the back and side of the head, where hair is thickest and resistant to loss, and inserted seamlessly into the thinning spots and can give you a natural looking “hairline”, even up close. When applied by a skilled restoration artist with years of experience like Dr. Elliott it will look natural and totally undetectable.
Over many years I’ve recommended dozens of clients to have this procedure and seen the amazing results up close. Without exception everyone has been pleased with the results and thanked me for encouraging them to have it done. Hopefully, this information will help you to make a decision or at least gives you a starting point for your personal search to give you back the head of hair you started with. If you have any question please feel free to call me or visit my hair studio for styling advice or contact me online at