Monday, December 23, 2013

27 Times In 2013 Neil Patrick Harris' Family Was Cuter Than Yours

I’m sure you have a cute family, but this one is just the CUTEST.

When NPH snapped this photo of David and their kids reading a book together:

When NPH snapped this photo of David and their kids reading a book together:

Instagram: @instagranph

When the four of them met Beast and they were all beaming:

When the four of them met Beast and they were all beaming:

Instagram: @instagranph

When their first Halloween costumes were absolutely perfect and incomparable:

When their first Halloween costumes were absolutely perfect and incomparable:

That's until we saw their SECOND costumes and those were ever better and more amazing:

That's until we saw their SECOND costumes and those were ever better and more amazing:

Twitter: @ActuallyNPH

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