Thursday, January 9, 2014

Britney Spears Is Not Fat So Shut Up And Sit Down


A group of actual monsters we will refer to as "Blind Ignorant Haters" are going around saying horrible, misguided things about Britney Spears' weight.

A group of actual monsters we will refer to as "Blind Ignorant Haters" are going around saying horrible, misguided things about Britney Spears' weight.

Which, first of all, is rude as fuck. Like who does that? And second of all, IS NOT EVEN TRUE AND EVEN IF IT WAS WHO THE FUCK CARES SHE IS LITERALLY IN AMAZING SHAPE.

Which, first of all, is rude as fuck. Like who does that? And second of all, IS NOT EVEN TRUE AND EVEN IF IT WAS WHO THE FUCK CARES SHE IS LITERALLY IN AMAZING SHAPE.

Via Twitter: @ellielovett_

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